Future people can be our neighbours. We can imagine present and future people who love each other, help each other, and unite each other becoming a bond with compassion. Future people can exist when and only when future neighbours stay in our mind. Reasoning of above statement will be found in a literature; Reach Across Time to Save Our Planet, and intuitive grasps will be given from exhibits in a Gallery. Your visits to these spots will realize to love future neighbours.

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Monday 29 July 2019

31. No Title Required
 Posted by T. T. and P. R. in July 2019

In present societies, the holding of titles can benefit each title holder. In a company, the head of a section may carry the title of Section Manager, whilst the  head of the company may have the  title of President, or Chief Executive Officer; clearly elevated above a Manager. Each of these titles can carry the  benefit for the title holder that fulfils the requirements necessary simply to do business. In sports the winner of a title match will be a Champion. In a less prestigious game, perhaps just a local one, some kind of title will be given to the winner. In academic circles, a title is advantageous when seeking promotion or a better job and it also help significantly when competing for large research grants.

When competing with many brilliant title holders, a person having no title is likely to fade away and be forgotten. But, a sensible poet saw that each moment of each person looks brilliant as it is, regardless of whether or not they held some kind of title. A Polish poet, Wisława Szymborska (1923-2012), a Nobel Prize Laureate for Literature, wrote a poem, No Title Required. In that, an insignificant event of sitting under a tree beside a river is depicted as a moment of full of richness and unique existence, so that it is no one else’s.

The last verse of the poem is:

When I see such things I’m no longer sure
that what‘s important
is more important than what’s not.    

(Translated by Clare Cavanagh and Stanisław Barańczak)

At first glance, these three-lines seem logically tricky. However, the embarrassment may be caused by a prejudice that the importance of a person is measurable by a one-dimensional scale. Actually, the importance of a person is not measurable even by a multi-dimensional scale, such as a school report. It is likely that there may be a fatal prejudice in the present culture which may hurt a great many innocent persons.

In our present world, titles are seen as protective walls which benefit persons inside to enjoy a respected life. If all walls created by titles are removed in the remote future, every person can fully enjoy their own respectful life without being guarded by walls. Then, a world where No Title Required will be reality.

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