Future people can be our neighbours. We can imagine present and future people who love each other, help each other, and unite each other becoming a bond with compassion. Future people can exist when and only when future neighbours stay in our mind. Reasoning of above statement will be found in a literature; Reach Across Time to Save Our Planet, and intuitive grasps will be given from exhibits in a Gallery. Your visits to these spots will realize to love future neighbours.

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Saturday 30 January 2021

New piece was posted by WQ, PR, and TT. It is exhibited in Gallery Room 3.




42. Warm Our Hearts II

Posted by WQ, PR, and TT in January 2021.

In this vast and seemingly endless universe we can feel so tiny, even negligible, yet we are the foundations for all of the generations to come. Given this, it is vital that we ask ourselves some important questions. Firstly, ‘what shall we leave behind?’. Is it just the apology, ‘sorry, we didn’t realise what we had done’. Or will we just make excuses for what happened, lacking the courage to admit our wrong.  An error of judgement doesn’t become a mistake unless one refuses to correct such an error. To overcome these matters  we must warm our hearts and change the perceptions of our souls. It is up to us to correct the wrongs that  we have done. Finally, it is up to us to take care of this precious home.


Weijia Qi 2021




Weijia Qi had submitted another piece of writing with her original art work to this blog two years ago. It is exhibited in the Gallery, Room 2 as 23. Warm Our Hearts. The new piece having title in common comes here. Both pieces emphasize the essence of each individual heart, which cannot be ignored in the vast  spatiotemporal separations (TT).