Future people can be our neighbours. We can imagine present and future people who love each other, help each other, and unite each other becoming a bond with compassion. Future people can exist when and only when future neighbours stay in our mind. Reasoning of above statement will be found in a literature; Reach Across Time to Save Our Planet, and intuitive grasps will be given from exhibits in a Gallery. Your visits to these spots will realize to love future neighbours.

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Tuesday 5 February 2019

24. By compassion humankind will be saved
Posted by T. T. in February 2019

A post-graduate Fellow, Yumi Kawakami, had been working as a volunteer in a hospice for terminal care. She found  that some staff were working there purely altruistically, without expecting any return. She wondered how a person  could be so altruistic, when humans are nothing more than  animals having the selfish gene. Then she decided to make this question her main research theme and finally she wrote her dissertation and got her Ph.D.

After this work Yumi Kawakami’s interpretation of altruistic behaviour is quite simple. Although her theory is not fully accepted yet in academic circles, it seems reasonable, and it will lead to a clear-cut interpretation for the essential matter of saving future people, which will be more significant than an academic honour.

Her interpretation is well explained by the picture below. 

Wisdom preventing danger established by strong compassion. © Yumi Kawakami 2006.

  Ancient humans acquired culture and language, and then the strong feature of compassion evolved uniquely among animals. Due to having strong compassion, ancient humans would feel a story told to them as if it were an event actually experienced by them, and thus they could have a defence against dangers and thereby save their lives without having had experience of such dangers before.

In the present era, again humankind will be saved if present people respond to the signal from the dangerous objects which we have not yet encountered. If we surely feel future people’s pain, with strong compassion we will not be able to leave them in the terribly damaged environment.